Most of us will face many of life’s difficulties, life’s painful experiences, re-examining our lives, dealing with circumstances that we are not prepared for and then must learn how-to cope and get through them. Life can be going along beautifully, joyfully, and then like a bullet to the chest-tragedy strikes; Illness, Death of a loved one, Relationship breakups/divorce, loss of job or business.
Life changes can be both positive and negative. Throughout your life, you will deal with many of life’s changes. Some will be easier than others to get through. This book is about the choices we have and can make to help get through these difficult circumstances. This book is also about maintaining a strong faith in GODS plan for us.
This book is meant to help you cope, heal, find strength, as I have, and to help you find your way back into life! To feel like yourself again and free to live again…
This book helps you break down overwhelming or complex situations into simple steps of how to take your own personal life lessons, learn from them, and turn them into a positive situation. No one wants to feel stuck, but if you do, this book provides simple tools to become unstuck; and how to change, grow and live again.

It’s Time to Believe
This is a book about my answered prayers. It is also a book about how others can find fortune, happiness and loving relationships as I have, by learning how to pray sincerely and unselfishly, listening to your angels, and earning and expanding your good fortune through hard work.
The chapters in this book juxtapose amazing true stories from my own life with advice and guidance on how to make your prayers and wishes come true.
My stories start in childhood, when I began to realize I was different. I could ‘see things’ no one else could see, communicate with the unseen, even peer into the future. I felt the presence of guardian angels. The true events I relate range from funny to shocking to deeply scary. Incidents that will leave the reader saying, “This is unbelievable! This could not have happened!” But it has!
The heart of this book is prayer intertwined with psychic and clairvoyant events. But also, this is a book for skeptics and those who are not yet in touch with their spiritual selves. You may not believe in angels, but they believe in you.
Thank you Gina for sharing concrete, workable and easy to follow steps to help the reader better know and understand the spiritual angelic world. I loved your prayers, appreciated the biblical references and “felt” your life stories. Wishing you continued blessings and grateful for a new way to ask for and appreciate mine in whatever form the angels choose best.
Unbelievable! ! And so well written. A must read.

Automatic “Trance” Writing
Gina Cannone is one of the most sought after psychic mediums. She is a messenger. Her amazing automatic writings and accurate readings has created a loyal and large following. She was inspired to share and write this how- to guide for all those who wish connect with Spirit and to develop their psychic abilities. Learn how to use these abilities to peer into your future, seek guidance from divine sources for; Health, Wealth & Abundance, Relationships, Purposeful living and Reaching Goals & Dreams.
Living by her own intuitiveness for advice, guidance and direction has been the key to her success, happiness, fulfillment, purposeful living and overall well-being. Believing we all have psychic gifts and the power is within us to use at all times.
This book is a How-To Guide to; practice and learn to tune in and develop the skills to automatic write and receive messages to help in all areas of your life. Receiving messages through your psychic “clairs” and from Divine Power (GOD), your Angels and Spirit Guides.
Discover and develop your psychic abilities…Learn through step-by-step instructions on how-to open up your awareness and tune into your psychic “clairs”: Clairvoyance, Clauraudience, Claircognizance, Clairsentience, Clairalience – to automatic write all that comes to you!